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SculpSure Non-Surgical Liposuction Sydney

Stubborn pockets of fat are a nuisance to deal with, especially when you’ve worked hard to reach your ideal weight. Where surgery was once the only way to get rid of excess fat, today there are non-invasive options available too, and SculpSure is one of the most effective.

SculpSure Non-Surgical Liposuction Sydney

Stubborn pockets of fat are a nuisance to deal with, especially when you’ve worked hard to reach your ideal weight. Where surgery was once the only way to get rid of excess fat, today there are non-invasive options available too, and SculpSure is one of the most effective.

SculpSure is an FDA-approved laser system that is designed to destroy excess fat cells on the thighs, stomach, back, arms and chin using controlled heat. Since the heat that’s produced is feathered, there is no risk of dimpling or dents after treatment. The heat also stimulates collagen, which improves skin laxity and texture at the same time.

Areas of the body suitable for SculpSure

It’s important to remember that every individual is unique and so too are their needs and desired outcomes for cosmetic surgery. If you’re considering a procedure, it’s essential to have a comprehensive consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. They can help you understand whether you’re a suitable candidate and what you can realistically expect from the surgery. The information provided here is meant to help guide you, but it’s not a replacement for professional medical advice. Always organise a consultation for personalised advice.

If you are concerned about the way you look or are thinking about cosmetic surgery for confidence reasons, there are alternatives. Talking to a counsellor or psychologist may help you overcome your concerns about your appearance.

Chin: SculpSure offers dramatic fat reduction and skin tightening under the chin and jawline with two brief treatments six weeks apart.
Belly: SculpSure aids in eliminating stubborn midriff fat, resulting in a flat, slim stomach. Not ideal for excess fat or sagging skin where a tummy tuck might be more appropriate.
Arms: Despite not being FDA-approved specifically for arm treatment, SculpSure shows effectiveness in reducing arm fat, treating both arms simultaneously in just 25 minutes.
Male Gynaecomastia ('Man Boobs'): SculpSure can treat fatty tissue in the chest area, as long as the fat isn't glandular and the device is kept away from the bony ribs, the procedure should be fairly painless.
Love Handles/Flanks: SculpSure addresses stubborn love handles with one or two 25-minute procedures. Results might take up to 12 weeks to show.
Inner and Outer Thighs: Both these areas can be treated effectively with SculpSure, providing a 20% to 25% reduction in fat. Results may take longer to show due to potential swelling.
Multiple Sessions: Some patients may require additional treatments for optimal results, particularly for thigh treatments.

What to expect

During your SculpSure Laser treatment, holders will be placed on the area that you want to treat. Once the system is activated, patients can expect to feel heat as well as a cooling sensation, which is what makes the treatments comfortable.

The number of applicators that are applied to the body will depend on the size of the area being treated but the average treatment doesn’t last longer than 30 minutes.

As the applicators heat up, it also raises the temperature of the fat cells, which destroys their structural integrity. Over the next few weeks, the fat cells will be eliminated via the body’s lymphatic system.

In most cases, patients can expect to achieve at least a 20% reduction in unwanted fat after every session.

SculpSure Laser Treatments: What patients need to know.

Multiple treatments will be required. While this is also dependent on the area being treated, most patients will require 2 to 3 treatments to achieve optimal results.
Results are not immediate. SculpSure Laser treatments require patience and results only start becoming visible after 6 weeks. The most noticeable change will occur after 12 weeks.
No downtime is required. Even though the treated area will be slightly sensitive following your treatment, you are able to return to work directly after your SculpSure session.
Sculpsure is not a weight-loss treatment. SculpSure is not designed to help patients lose a significant amount of weight. Candidates should have already reached or be close to their ideal weight before undergoing this treatment.
Fat removal is permanent. Since the fat cells are completely destroyed, they will not return. However, it’s important to follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent the remaining fat cells from becoming enlarged.

How much does SculpSure Non-Surgical Liposuction Sydney cost?

Your personalised quote will be prepared following an in-depth evaluation by our expert surgeon. This includes a thorough assessment of your individual needs, detailed explanation of the procedure, and a tailored approach to best achieve the desired outcomes. The quote considers various elements including surgical supplies, hospital requirements, and the specifics of the surgery itself.

Potential rebates might be available if the procedure is deemed medically necessary by relevant health authorities. Conditions for this include providing evidence supporting the medical necessity of the surgery and a referral from a healthcare professional. Your private health insurance may also provide coverage, so it’s essential to discuss this with your provider.


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