Neck Lift Sydney

A Neck Lift – also known as Platysmaplasty – is a surgical procedure that can tighten the skin around the neck. Most commonly, candidates select this procedure to address sagging or excess skin in the neck area.

Neck Lift Sydney

A Neck Lift – also known as Platysmaplasty – is a surgical procedure that can tighten the skin around the neck. Most commonly, candidates select this procedure to address sagging or excess skin in the neck area. The procedure removes or alters the muscles and excess skin in your neck to give it a leaner appearance. By creating more definition in the angle of the jaw, the appearance of the neck can be improved.

Womans face being marked to show facelift areas

How does a neck lift work to adjust the contours of the neck?

It’s important to remember that every individual is unique and so too are their needs and desired outcomes for cosmetic surgery. If you’re considering a procedure, it’s essential to have a comprehensive consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. They can help you understand whether you’re a suitable candidate and what you can realistically expect from the surgery. The information provided here is meant to help guide you, but it’s not a replacement for professional medical advice. Always organise a consultation for personalised advice.

If you are concerned about the way you look or are thinking about cosmetic surgery for confidence reasons, there are alternatives. Talking to a counsellor or psychologist may help you overcome your concerns about your appearance.

Reducing Excess Skin: Neck lift surgery can potentially remove excess or sagging skin, contributing to a smoother neck appearance.
Eliminating Subcutaneous Fat: This procedure may involve removing or redistributing fat deposits in the neck, helping to refine its contour.
Correcting Muscle Banding: Neck lift surgery can address visible bands or cords caused by sagging neck muscles.
Enhancing Jawline: The procedure might help define the jawline more clearly by addressing sagging skin and excess fat beneath the chin.
Improving Skin Elasticity: A neck lift can potentially enhance the skin's elasticity and firmness.
Enhancing Neck-Chin Angle: The surgery may help to create a more distinct angle between the neck and the chin.
Addressing a Sagging Neck: A neck lift can potentially reduce the appearance of loose or sagging skin under the chin.
Improving Overall Neck Contour: The objective of a neck lift is to improve the overall contour of the neck and enhance its harmony with the rest of the facial features.

What to expect


The first step in the neck lift process is a detailed consultation with our expert surgeon. In this meeting, your aesthetic goals, medical history, and the anatomy of your neck will be discussed. The surgeon will evaluate your skin quality, the amount of excess fat, and the degree of muscle laxity. This consultation is the ideal time for you to address any concerns or ask any questions you may have about the procedure.

Number and type of consultation

It is a requirement under the law, that a patient seeking cosmetic surgery must have at least two pre-operative consultations. The patient’s first consultation must be with the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery or another registered health practitioner who works with the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery (not a patient advisor or an agent). At least one of the two consultations must be in person with the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery. Other consultations can be in person or by video.

When consent can be given

A patient must not be requested to sign consent forms at their first consultation and cannot consent to cosmetic surgery until they have had an in-person consultation with the medical practitioner who will perform the surgery. The decision to have the surgery (provision of informed consent) must be made at a consultation with the medical practitioner who will perform the procedure (in person or by video).

Cooling-off Period

There must be a cooling-off period of at least seven days after the patient has had two consultations and given informed consent (signed consent forms), before the surgery can be booked or a deposit paid. 


Once you and the surgeon have agreed on the goals of the surgery, you will receive specific instructions on how to prepare for your neck lift. These may include guidelines on eating, drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications, and skincare.


The neck lift procedure typically takes between two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the complexity of the surgery. The surgeon makes small incisions behind the ears and sometimes under the chin, then tightens the neck muscles, removes excess fat, and trims excess skin to create a smoother, firmer, and more defined neck contour.


After surgery, you’ll be monitored in a recovery room for a few hours. Most patients can go home the same day, but sometimes an overnight hospital stay is required. A bandage might be gently placed around your face and neck to minimize swelling and bruising.

Swelling and bruising are normal and will begin to improve after the third day. Most patients feel ready to go out in public and return to work or school after a week or two.

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth recovery. The final result of your neck lift may not be apparent for several months, as it takes time for the neck to fully heal and settle into its new shape.

Surgery Time
1 to 4 hours
Hospital Time
Day stay with an option for overnight depending on technique used
Time off work
Working from home after 1 week, back in office after 3 weeks - Occupation Dependent
Cast Removal
Face garment for one to two weeks depending on technique used
Can shower next day, however incisions must stay dry
4 to 6 weeks
24 hours after general anaesthetic and not while taking prescribed pain relief. We also recommend checking with your CTA insurer as to the post surgery exclusion period.
After 14 days for national and 4 weeks for international
Full Recovery
6 to 12 months for final results

Considerations Before Cosmetic Surgery

While we aim to provide accurate information about the different surgical procedures available, it’s important to understand that the content provided here serves as a general guide only. The specifics of each surgery, including the procedure detailed above, can and will vary significantly from person to person, depending on their unique circumstances and physical characteristics.

Undergoing cosmetic surgery is a serious decision that requires ample thought, careful consideration, and meticulous planning. It should never be taken lightly or treated trivially, as it can have profound impacts on one’s lifestyle and wellbeing.

Recovery from cosmetic surgery, too, requires time, support, and proper aftercare. We strive to present realistic and transparent information about the recovery process, but individual experiences may vary. It is typical for recovery to involve certain services or requirements, such as the use of compression garments or receiving therapeutic massages. It also often necessitates significant lifestyle changes, which may include a period of absence from employment and temporary restrictions on certain activities.

In light of these considerations, we strongly encourage potential patients to engage in comprehensive discussions with their GP and our surgeons. The goal is to fully understand the implications, requirements, and likely outcomes of any chosen procedure, and to make informed decisions about their health and aesthetics.

For more information on preparing for cosmetic surgery visit

General risks and complications of surgery include:

Substantial Hemorrhage: This involves severe blood loss from the area that underwent surgery, which may necessitate additional medical interventions.
Susceptibility to Infection: Post-surgery, the risk of infection can rise, potentially requiring either antibiotic treatment or subsequent surgical interventions.
Allergic Responses: Patients may exhibit allergic reactions to medical materials such as sutures, dressings, or antiseptic solutions used during and after the procedure.
Hematoma Formation: This involves the development of a sizable clot of blood beneath the incision site, which may necessitate medical drainage.
Post-Surgical Discomfort: Patients may experience pain, bruising, and swelling in the area surrounding the surgical site.
Scar Development: There's a risk of developing keloids or hypertrophic scars, which are elevated, red, and thickened scars over the healed incisions. Though they can be bothersome and aesthetically displeasing, they don't pose a direct health threat.
Delayed Healing Process: Healing can be sluggish, especially in patients with pre-existing conditions like diabetes or those who smoke.
Anaesthesia Risks: Patients may experience short-term nausea following general anaesthesia, along with other potential risks associated with anaesthesia.

Nick Lift Surgery risks and complications include:

Post-Surgical Pain: Neck lift surgery may lead to significant pain or discomfort, requiring proper pain management strategies.
Risk of Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there's a possibility of developing a postoperative infection, which might require additional treatments.
Visible Scarring: Despite the surgeon's best efforts to place incisions discreetly, any surgical procedure, including neck lifts, can result in noticeable scarring. Some patients may develop hypertrophic or keloid scars.
Hematoma or Seroma: There's a risk of developing a hematoma (a collection of blood) or a seroma (a collection of serous fluid) beneath the skin of the neck, which might require additional medical procedures.
Nerve Damage: Neck lift surgery could potentially result in temporary or permanent nerve damage, leading to altered sensation or muscle weakness in the neck.
Dissatisfying Cosmetic Outcome: The patient may not be satisfied with the aesthetic results of the surgery, necessitating further corrective procedures.
Skin Necrosis: Particularly in patients who smoke or have other health risk factors, there's a small chance of skin necrosis, or tissue death, which can impact the healing process and the final results.

How Much Does Neck Lift Cost?

Your personalised quote will be prepared following an in-depth evaluation by our expert surgeon. This includes a thorough assessment of your individual needs, detailed explanation of the procedure, and a tailored approach to best achieve the desired outcomes. The quote considers various elements including surgical supplies, hospital requirements, and the specifics of the surgery itself.

Potential rebates might be available if the procedure is deemed medically necessary by relevant health authorities. Conditions for this include providing evidence supporting the medical necessity of the surgery and a referral from a healthcare professional. Your private health insurance may also provide coverage, so it’s essential to discuss this with your provider.


Adult candidates – whether male or female – are able to have elective neck lift surgery. Typically, candidates are aged between 30 and 70 years old.Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery should demonstrate good physical and mental health. Smokers are encouraged to quit several weeks before the procedure to avoid slow healing and potential post-procedure problems. It is also recommended that drinking alcohol is kept to a minimum before and after surgery, in order to avoid complications during surgery and reduce recovery time.Once a candidate’s suitability for a neck lift has been determined, Dr. Zacharia will provide consultation to explain the proposed surgery and the variables that may affect the procedure.
The cost of a neck lift surgery varies, depending on the patient and complexity of the procedure performed. The cost will be inclusive of fees for the physician, anaesthetic, hospital fees, and, if applicable, charges for an overnight stay.Generally, any surgery performed purely cosmetic reasons will not be covered by health insurance. In some cases, wherein the procedure is deemed medically necessary – such as the correction of birth defects or damage resulting from trauma – cosmetic procedures may be covered. Patients are encouraged to speak directly to their health service provider to determine the specifics of their policy and confirm insurance coverage.Book a consultation, request a quote online, or contact the staff at Dr. Zacharia’s rooms today on (02) 9192 1600.
During the initial consultation, Dr. Zacharia will discuss the procedure with the patient in detail; outlining possible risks and limitations, the financial costs involved, the patient’s expectations and goals, and the recovery process. He will also conduct a medical examination and assist in preparing the patient both physically and mentally for neck lift surgery. Dr. Zacharia will then provide the patient with an easy-to-read information package that explains all the required information to be aware of prior to undergoing neck lift surgery.
A neck lift is most often performed using general anaesthesia. Dr. Zacharia and his anaesthetist will assist each patient to make the decision regarding which type of anaesthesia is most suitable.
For the first 24 hours after surgery, patients should ensure that they are monitored by a family member or a close friend in case any complications should arise. Patients should have loose-fitting clothing on hand to wear, as it will not be possible to wear clothing that will rub against the neck after surgery. It’s important to remember that recovery takes time – most patients can resume normal activities, including work, within two to four weeks of having the procedure.
No surgery is risk free, and as with all procedures there are number of potential risks and complications to consider when undergoing neck lift surgery. Understanding those risks prior to having surgery is essential.The likelihood that complications will occur during neck lift surgery or the recovery process is very small. This is not intended to be a complete list of possible complications, but rather an overview of the most common risks associated with this kind of surgery:Swelling and bruising Burning or tingling sensations in the neck area Infection Allergic reactions to anaesthesia Possible numbness or lack of sensationDuring the initial consultation, Dr. Zacharia will answer any questions and provide detailed information regarding all possible complications involved with the surgery.
Recovering from a neck lift takes time; patients can expect some discomfort for several days after surgery, and will be given pain medication. Applying cold compresses to the area will help reduce swelling and soothe pain. Most stitches can be removed after five to ten days, depending on how quickly healing occurs.The neck, jaw and ears may be bruised and continue to swell for up to 10 days. Severe pain or abnormal symptoms should be reported to Dr. Zacharia immediately.

Self-Assess Your Readiness For a Facelift

Thank you for taking the Dr Zacharia self-assessment form to better understand how mentally and physically you are for achieving the best facelift possible. Please answer all questions below, and provide photos for a pre op screening by Dr Zacharia.

Disclaimer: Please note that Dr Zacharia has the same rights as a patient. If you choose not to go ahead with Dr Zacharia based on his recommendations, he also has the right to turn away patients who he feels may be too high risk for surgery or show a lack of compliance for surgery protocols.

Surgery is a serious decision, and we are striving for the best outcomes for all. However, all surgery comes with a risk of complication or revision. Follow your pre and post op instructions for your safety and best possible outcome. However, the human body is not an exact science and Dr Zacharia and his team can only use their extensive experience to help guide you through any issue that could arise.

Please complete the following information, so we can send you your results and contact you for further discussion later.

Dr ZACHARIA’s opinion will be based on your anatomy. If the budget you have specified does not meet his recommendations, we will highlight the limitations of lesser invasive treatments based on your budget/ anatomy.

Please provide a front on and profile photo of your face. Also, a photo of you on your profile looking down. Ideally stand in front of a plain wall or door and have someone else take the photos for the best pre op consult advise.

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